Un nouveau jour se lève pour le développement de produits multimédias

Sans aucun doute, les microservices restent sous le capot, ce qui n’est pas évident pour les producteurs qui utilisent ces produits. Cependant, cela ne signifie pas qu’ils n’ont pas un effet dramatique sur la façon dont les producteurs travaillent et répondent aux besoins de leurs clients. À l’avenir, ils joueront certainement un rôle de plus en plus important dans ces outils, aidant les producteurs à suivre le rythme de l’évolution rapide du marché de production qu’ils doivent desservir....

Le cloud et le SaaS changent à jamais la production télévisuelle

Plutôt que l’acquisition de technologies à forte intensité de CapEx, une alternative de production dans le cloud est basée sur un modèle de paiement à l’utilisation qui facilite la rotation des ressources de production au besoin et leur rotation vers le bas lorsque ce n’est pas le cas. #TVU Networks a très tôt reconnu le potentiel transformationnel du cloud et la capacité des solutions SaaS à alimenter une révolution dans la production télévisuelle. ...

Successful REMI Production Demands Consistent Camera Control

The greatest promise of Remote Integration Model (REMI) production is also its greatest challenge: how to leverage centralized production control hundreds or thousands of miles removed from a venue to reduce production staff needed on site without sacrificing quality or compromising control....

Just ‘Uber It’ To Build Confidence In User-Generated Content

In the future newsrooms will one day be able to “Uber It” to enhance their breaking news coverage....

The Future of TV News Is Hyperlocal and Personal

Being personal and hyperlocal is the new broadcast standard, it will help newsrooms differentiate their news in a sea of competitors...

AI Facial Recognition Can Deliver New Audience To Sport Television

Thanks to TVU MediaMind AI broadcasters and media producers will be able to offer viewers personalized video footage of sports games....

The Line Is Blurring Between Acquisition And Distribution

Something of major importance is happening in the television industry thanks to IP video transport, the line between content acquisition and distribution is beginning to blur....

Major TV Station Group Adopts AI-Enhanced News Workflow To Assist With Campaign Coverage

With just about two weeks to go (as of this writing) before Election Day, the need has never been greater for TV news operations to take advantage of the latest technology to assist them in reporting on what voters need to know....

Video Production In The Cloud Removes The Limits

Remote television production is in the midst of an evolution that will fundamentally change the way sports, entertainment and other live televised spectacles, such as parades, are produced....

How To Find The Video Clip You Want Without The Hassle

Gone is the need to scrub back and forth through video to get to the precise in and out points of desired video clips. With the assistance of the speech-to-text algorithm available as part of our TVU MediaMind AI engine, it is now possible to jump instantly and precisely to the desired clips that correspond to the quotes from the video transcript....

Achieving multi-camera synchronization in the cloud with zero delay remote

There’s a common misperception about producing live remote television in the cloud: latency makes multi-camera synchronization impossible. While latency can be a serious problem, it’s simply too general of a statement to say the cloud creates delays that make switching between camera sources and doing all of the other things need for live remote TV production too imprecise and therefore impractical....

Finding The Real Value In Raw Footage

Most TV stations are sitting on untapped revenue potential in the form of stored newscasts and raw footage. The problem is they can’t monetize it because they have no way to tell potential buyers what they have. The key to unlocking this would be a centralized search engine available to all participating stations and networks that makes it possible to find relevant clips stored on premise or in the cloud by each broadcaster....

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