Learn how to import multiple live source types and add them to your Playout playlist or calendar in the Scheduler window.
Learn how to import multiple live source types and add them to your Playout playlist or calendar in the Scheduler window.
Learn how to create a Program Template to build a schedule of live and prerecorded shows with SCTE splices.
Learn how to duplicate or delete a program, live source, or media clip in your broadcast schedule or playout list.
Learn how to access program Settings from the Scheduler and Playout windows to quickly edit and manage your broadcast schedule.
Learn how to use the Scheduler to move or drag and drop your media into the desired date and time slot in your broadcast schedule.
TVU Channel Program templates are ideal for scheduling recurring daily live shows and setting program blocks for an entire day or part of a day.
Learn how to save the day’s programming schedule as a schedule template. Apply the schedule template to your calendar for as many future days as you wish.
Learn how to quickly change the input source and program duration that is currently live from the Scheduler and Playout windows.
TVU Channel makes it simple for anyone to delete and replace live programs in the Playout window.
Learn how to add a background and logo in Partyline Kiosk mode
Introducing TVU Remote Commentator and how it works
As producer or host, learn how to use the Coordinator room functions